August 24th Heartland Jam has a new Location: ONE TIME ONLY !!!

Hello everyone,

One of our jam attenders, has offered his church for Friday, August 24th at 6:30pm only.  So the jam is back on if you don’t have other plans.

The location is:
Plaza Heights Baptist Church
1500 Clark Road
Blue Springs, MO 64015

Here is a map:

Let me know if you have any questions.


I plan to be there and I hope you can make it!



Hello everyone.  Our monthly jam has been double booked with a church activity.  This was due to a change of personnel at the church.  Unfortunately, our jam is being CANCELLED for August 24th.  Our apologies!

I also sent out an email to those of you who are on the list.  If you are not on the email list and want to be just let me know by calling me at 816-224-2330 or email at:

We will pick up next month at our regular 4th Friday event in September.


Blazing Summer with some cool Bluegrass

Hello everyone,
If you live in this area you most likely know that the average July temperatures have been the hottest ever recorded.  No doubt, this has literally been a blazing hot summer.  However, when you add in some hot bluegrass it helps to keep things cooler because we can focus on the music and not the temperature.  I hope you had a chance to attend some regional festivals and enjoy some of the national talents that are featured at each festival.  Even if you didn’t attend and big festivals you can still attend our air conditioned monthly jams locally to enjoy picking with your friends.  There is something about a jam that provides some personal satisfaction in a smaller venue.  It makes it easier to learn and most of the musicians are willing to share some pointers.  You can even have them play your instrument.  Another point is that you should NEVER leave your instrument in the trunk of your car for an extended time during hot weather.  It can cause the neck to warp and the bridge to separate, and even cause banjo heads to break.

I have not mentioned the “lack of rain” and our historic drought.  I wonder if the song “Cold Sheets of Rain” was written during a drought period?  Does anyone know.  Here is a version by clay jones that I really like and I hope it makes you feel cooler.

Enjoy your summer!  Bill