November Jam yields a good size crowd +Upcoming News…

Hello Everyone,
Our November Jam was a lot fun and many thanks to all who attended and those who brought the snacks.  We had four full rooms of jammers and listeners.  I consider that mighty good considering it was the day after Thanksgiving.  Congratulations to Janet Loveall for winning the dual Blugrass CD pack.  She is getting pretty good darn at winning.  You may also click on this link to view all the pictures taken by Frank Vail.  Here you go:  November Jam Photos
Also, I wanted to announce that there will be more Musician Interviews coming soon.  You should find this next official interview interesting as it will be our very first female bluegrass musician interviewee.   Can you guess who that will be?

Also don’t forget to attend the Kansas City Area Bluegrass Club this Friday, December 9th.  and the Missouri Town Christmas on Saturday, December 10th.  Plenty of fun things to do, so I hope to see you there.

Lastly here is good video of the song:  Cold Sheets of Rain performed by Clay Jones in the key of B.  Hope you enjoy it.


Summer Jamming Continues – 8/26/11

State Fair – Bill with Rhonda Vincent

Hello everyone,
We had another good crowd at our August.  It was good to see everyone as usual.  I had a real good time picking with friends (Bill-banjo; Dave bass; Richard – guitar; Charlie – mandolin; and Ruthie – fiddle).  It looked like the other rooms were have fun as well.
Don’t forget to check out the links on the RIGHT panel for some upcoming Bluegrass Events and if you scroll down you will find our “Popular Bluegrass Links” where you will find the links to our local bands like the Bluegrass Missourians and our Bluegrass Clubs.
DON’T FORGET to check out the photos from our August jam.  Click on the link below:
August Picking in the Heartland 
Congratulations to Janet Loveall for winning the “free CD” that we give away each month.

Hope to see you at our September jam on the 4th Friday.

Nice Crowd at the May 27th Jam

Barking for a Bluegrass Jam

It sure was nice to see everyone at our May 27th Bluegrass Jam.  We had four rooms of pickers and several new faces which is always good news.  It is amazing the dedication and commitment of each regular attender.  Each player adds some dimension of talent to the jam.  I learn something new each time I attend.  Nice to see some new faces from around the Odessa area.  Hope you all come back again.  Our next jam is June 24th.  Hope to see you there!  PS:  The picture was taken in Versailles, MO at a driving school for dogs, NOT!!  Here is a link to see the pictures:
Jamming Pictures


WOW !! What a kick-off. Everything but the fireworks !!

Andrew – 10 yrs old

Hello everyone and thanks for attending our “official” kick off jam in the new location.  We had over 40 attendees and five different rooms open for picking.  It was so much fun for me and from what I could tell it looked like everyone was having a great time. 
The facilities were fantastic and thanks to those who brought the “goodies” as they were delicious along with the coffee.   We were able find a good location to hang the banner and it looked great!

  Congratulations to Don Alison for winning the two free CDs.  We will be providing a free drawing each month, so don’t forget to get your free ticket.  Don seems to have the magic touch of our drawings, but even without it, he is a winner anyway!

It was nice to see several members of the KC Bluegrass Club in attendance as well.  Please come back!

We really had some hot, and do mean “hot” picking in one room in particular thanks to Lucas Albright, Monty Parker and Harvey Heidbreder.  How do they play that fast?  One secret I learned is subtract twenty years off your age, ha ha ha, in my case try 25 years. 

IMPORTANT:  Due to good Friday, Our next jam will be on the 5th Friday which is April 29th.

It was nice to see some new faces as well.  I received several positive comments from the participants as I think people were very glad to be able to get out a pick, laugh, sing and have a good time.  Just maybe next time the weather will be warmer.  Is it really Spring??

Thanks to the Frank Vail, the photographer for taking the pictures:  Here is the link to view all 85 of them:

See you at the next Jam as we continue “Picking in the Heartland”.

Hoo-rah! Our First Jam at the new Location -3/25/11

JD Crowe at Starvey Creek 2010

Hello everyone,

I hope you are making plans to attend our monthly jam this Friday, March 25th at 6:30pm.  It seems like forever since we all have been able to get together.  I miss seeing each one of you and listening to your songs.  As you know last month the jam was canceled due to bad weather, so it truly has been a long time.  I believe it has been at least one or two “Blue  Moons of Kentucky” since we have picked together.  I am looking forward to checking out the new facilities and helping everyone find a room to settled in.  We are expecting a good turn out and want everyone have a good time.  So come on out and get ready to pick, sing, laugh, listen and enjoy our new jam.

Invite your friends,


Wrestling with Cabin Fever….. Is there a cure?

CABIN FEVER:  Every year about this time of the year, I get what is commonly called “cabin fever”.  It is defined by Wikipedia as:  [an idiomatic term for a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated and/or shut in, in a small space, with nothing to do, for an extended period (as in a simple country vacation cottage during a long rain or snow)].   Simply stated it is having an “urge” to “go outside” and do something.

The CURE:  For me, doing something outside can mean almost anything.  For example:  taking a hike in the woods is one of my favorites.  In late winter or early spring, I just love to take a walk in the woods and get away from all the hustle and bustle of normal work life.  It is great fun to observe all of God’s little creatures running about the forest floor and trees.  If is also fun to observe the small ponds as the ice gives way to fresh flowing water that sparkles in the sunlight.  Are you feeling better already?  I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the happiness I receive from playing my banjo outside under a big oak tree, even if it is a little chilly.  As a matter of fact, “cabin fever” could be the name of a bluegrass song.  What joy it is when my fever breaks as I get lost in many other outdoor activities with friends and family.  I am talking about the smell of a small outdoor fire and some hot coffee or cocoa while being with my picking friends. 

Hope you can get rid of your “cabin fever” by getting out of your house and attending our monthly bluegrass jam on March 25th at 6:30pm at Wood Chapel Church in Lee’s Summit.  However, I must warn you that you may get another “hot fever” for hearing and playing our Buegrass/Gospel/Old Time music.  I am looking forward to seeing you there.