November Jam yields a good size crowd +Upcoming News…

Hello Everyone,
Our November Jam was a lot fun and many thanks to all who attended and those who brought the snacks.  We had four full rooms of jammers and listeners.  I consider that mighty good considering it was the day after Thanksgiving.  Congratulations to Janet Loveall for winning the dual Blugrass CD pack.  She is getting pretty good darn at winning.  You may also click on this link to view all the pictures taken by Frank Vail.  Here you go:  November Jam Photos
Also, I wanted to announce that there will be more Musician Interviews coming soon.  You should find this next official interview interesting as it will be our very first female bluegrass musician interviewee.   Can you guess who that will be?

Also don’t forget to attend the Kansas City Area Bluegrass Club this Friday, December 9th.  and the Missouri Town Christmas on Saturday, December 10th.  Plenty of fun things to do, so I hope to see you there.

Lastly here is good video of the song:  Cold Sheets of Rain performed by Clay Jones in the key of B.  Hope you enjoy it.


What exactly is a demi-john?

Hello everyone.  If you have been around any Bluegrass jams you most likely have heard someone sing a very traditional song entitled: “Hot Corn, Cold Corn”.  The song uses the phrase “bring along the demijohn”.  So what exactly does it mean?  In my opinion for the purposes of this song it is referring to a large bodied jug with a short neck which would be used to store some homemade corn liquor. Sometimes the demijohn bottle is encased in wicker. 

However, according to Wikipedia  it has a more precise definition which is:  “In brewing, a carboy is also known as a demijohn. It is a glass or plastic vessel used in fermenting beverages such as wine, mead, and beer. Usually it is fitted with a rubber stopper and a fermentation lock to prevent bacteria and oxygen from entering during the fermentation process.”

When I first heard the song, I thought they were singing, “bring along a “jimmy john”, which even confused me more.  But I finally got straightened out when I read the lyrics.  Another challenge is to sing Hot Corn Cold Corn three times at an upbeat tempo.

“Hot Corn Cold Corn” is an interesting song to sing and play.  So if you have not tried it check it out.  Many believe it is a Flatt and Skruggs tune, but I am not sure.  Here is link so you can hear it.
“Hot Corn Cold Corn”

See you at our next jam on April 29th!!

WOW !! What a kick-off. Everything but the fireworks !!

Andrew – 10 yrs old

Hello everyone and thanks for attending our “official” kick off jam in the new location.  We had over 40 attendees and five different rooms open for picking.  It was so much fun for me and from what I could tell it looked like everyone was having a great time. 
The facilities were fantastic and thanks to those who brought the “goodies” as they were delicious along with the coffee.   We were able find a good location to hang the banner and it looked great!

  Congratulations to Don Alison for winning the two free CDs.  We will be providing a free drawing each month, so don’t forget to get your free ticket.  Don seems to have the magic touch of our drawings, but even without it, he is a winner anyway!

It was nice to see several members of the KC Bluegrass Club in attendance as well.  Please come back!

We really had some hot, and do mean “hot” picking in one room in particular thanks to Lucas Albright, Monty Parker and Harvey Heidbreder.  How do they play that fast?  One secret I learned is subtract twenty years off your age, ha ha ha, in my case try 25 years. 

IMPORTANT:  Due to good Friday, Our next jam will be on the 5th Friday which is April 29th.

It was nice to see some new faces as well.  I received several positive comments from the participants as I think people were very glad to be able to get out a pick, laugh, sing and have a good time.  Just maybe next time the weather will be warmer.  Is it really Spring??

Thanks to the Frank Vail, the photographer for taking the pictures:  Here is the link to view all 85 of them:

See you at the next Jam as we continue “Picking in the Heartland”.

Hoo-rah! Our First Jam at the new Location -3/25/11

JD Crowe at Starvey Creek 2010

Hello everyone,

I hope you are making plans to attend our monthly jam this Friday, March 25th at 6:30pm.  It seems like forever since we all have been able to get together.  I miss seeing each one of you and listening to your songs.  As you know last month the jam was canceled due to bad weather, so it truly has been a long time.  I believe it has been at least one or two “Blue  Moons of Kentucky” since we have picked together.  I am looking forward to checking out the new facilities and helping everyone find a room to settled in.  We are expecting a good turn out and want everyone have a good time.  So come on out and get ready to pick, sing, laugh, listen and enjoy our new jam.

Invite your friends,


Guidelines for Picking in the New Location – Starts February 25th

Hello everyone,
I hope you are making plans to attend our new jam because it is going to be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to check out the new facilities.   It will be a great time of fellowship, picking, singing, laughing and just having good “clean” fun.  All skills levels are welcome.  We are getting a “fresh” start, just like the image of the flowers that I got for my wonderful valentine.  But instead of picking flowers we will picking our instruments, some slow, some fast.  It is going to be a good time for all.

Because we are in a new location, I would ask that everyone be respectful of a few guidelines as we are getting started until all the “newness” gets ironed out.   Also this is the first time this church has done anything like this and we want to be appreciative of their kindness.

The guidelines are pretty simple and helpful to ensure everyone has a good time.
0.  Have fun and invite others.
1.  No music stands are provided so, if you want one, please bring your own.
2.  There are four jamming rooms reserved with these numbers:  310, 311, 322 and 323, plus a large room that is reserved for snacking or just visiting.   The four rooms are big enough for both pickers and listeners.
3.  No jamming in the Library (which is on the same floor).
4.  If either Lee’s Summit or Blue Springs cancel classes due to bad weather the church jam will be cancelled as well.
5.  There will be a CD give away each month.
6.  Please continue to bring snacks as you like. 
7.  The guidelines will be reviewed periodically and adjustments made as the need arises provided it is approved by the church.
Thanks in advance for your consideration of these guidelines.  I look forward to seeing you there!